Don Wisdom



Indeed body language plays an essential role in everyday interactions. But what is body language? Body language is a custom of non-verbal communication that reflects mannerisms and actions!

Body language is integral to effective communication in personal and professional life. Keenly observing body language can disclose a lot about a person’s personality, mood, and situation.

On the other hand, most people are unaware of their body language, performing numerous activities like playing with hair, trickling fingers, biting lips, and tapping their feet subconsciously.

Non-verbal communication is crucial, so it is indicated through a few actions and reactions listed below.

Understanding Other’s Perspectives:

With the help of body language, a person can understand another person’s perspective, mood, and situation. Sometimes a person is not in a good mood but cannot express themselves through words; fortunately and unfortunately, it is reflected through their body language. Only an intelligent person can detect the current temperament of an individual and talk accordingly.

Facial Expressions:

Your feelings and moods are clearly shown on your face. Facial expressions are a primary source of emotions and express a person’s thoughts or feelings about you. Remember, if you are a keen observer, you can quickly analyze the connection between words and facial expressions. As face never lies, even how hard a person tries to hide the reality, it reflects clearly through eyes, lips movement, raised eyebrow, taking deep breaths, or frowning.

Body Posture:

Your level of confidence is reflected through your body postures.

–        Open Body Posture:

A person sitting or standing with an open body posture reflects a lack of confidence, comfort, or interest in conversation or communication.

–        Closed Body Posture:

People with a closed body posture reflect their confidence level, comfort, and interest. A gratitude that demonstrates a person is paying attention in conversation.

Eye Contact:

Eye contact plays a vital role in expressing your emotions. Words and expressions can lie, but eyes always speak the truth! Eye contact is not about persistently staring at a person to make them uncomfortable but maintaining effective eye contact indicates that a person listens to the conservation carefully.

–        Downward eyes:

A person looking down during communication reflects an act of modesty.

–        Rolling eyes:

Rolling eyes during communication replicate exhaustion.

–        Frequent eye contact:

Frequent eye contact indicates interest or boredom varying from person to person during conservation. On the other hand, it can be a sign of aggression, betrayal, or dishonesty.


Maintaining a certain distance while communicating is essential. Sometimes the diminishing distance between two people can be unpleasant. Establishing a particular space is pleasant and develops an interest in communication. During casual chats, 18 inches to 4ft distance is sufficient; on the other hand, 10ft to 12ft distance during public speaking is perfect.

Nodding Head:

Primarily, a head nod is a response to saying no or yes without occurring a word. Sometimes moving head is also a sign of gratitude towards the speaker that we listen attentively to the conservation.

Maintaining positive and appropriate body language indicates interest and reflects your nature. But remember that body language and facial expressions vary from person to culture. Don’t consider everyone equal, as everybody is unique in nature and expressing themselves.

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